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The 2024 Spring Budget

The big news is:

National insurance

The main rate is being cut 2% from 6 April 2024 for employed and self employed.

That's it?

Well, no. There’s lots of stuff about what they propose to do, like changing how high income child benefit works (by 2026), not changing fuel duty, changing non-dom tax rules and abolishing furnished home letting rules. But the rest of it is mostly about tinkering with spending plans.

In brief...

Tax Agent

My tax agent ID. You can appoint me online as your agent but you have to do it from the Government Gateway, not from the HMRC website. To do anything useful it has to be from the HMRC website. In full... »


What tax returns do you have to prepare? As part of preparing your annual company accounts we will prepare a corporation tax computation and a corporation tax return and submit all of the required documents to HMRC. In full... »